
 公司新闻     |      2020-04-07 11:48


When the clapping started, it was impossible not to feel moved. At 8 p.m. on March 17, people across the Netherlands leaned out of windows and congregated on doorstops to make a show of support for medical workersbattling the coronavirus. First it was just a few claps, before the sound spread down my street in the Hague, working up to a crescendo of whistles and whoops.



medical workers

white-robed nurse/doctor  白衣天使

nurse's aide  助理护士

probationer nurse  见习护士

obstetric nurse  助产护士

hospital nurse  病房护士

staff nurse  科室护士

head nurse  护士长

the forefront medical workers  一线医护人员

A neighbor I had never spoken to waved from across the street. The warmth and goodwill was the epitome of what it means to be part of a community—a scene also playing out in Italy, Spain and France as stricken neighborhoods come together.



But these spontaneous acts of solidarity stand in stark contrast to what is happening among E.U. nations. The epicenter of the coronavirus moved from China to Europe in the first half of March, and governments turned on one another. The pillars that were meant to hold up the E.U.—the free movement of goods and people—crumpled, as borders went back up and panicked governments stockpiled medical supplies with little regard for their neighbors.


coronavirus   /kə,rəunə'vaiərəs/ 

n. 冠状病毒;日冕形病毒

eg.As we tirelessly continue to battle the coronavirus, the response from those around the world leaves us, the Chinese people, deeply humble.

在我们坚持不懈抗击疫情之时, 世界各地的反应让中国人深受感动。


When European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen announced on March 17 that the bloc would shut its external borders for 30 days, it felt as if the E.U. was playing catch-up with the many unilateral closures that governments had already enforced. It didn't seem to be a coming together of like minds.

3月17日,欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)宣布,欧盟将关闭30天的外部边境,这让人感觉,欧盟正在追赶各国政府已经实施的许多单边关闭措施。这似乎不是一群志同道合的人聚在一起。


When the E.U. is not in crisis mode, its leaders like to talk up its grand ideas, preaching to their 446 million citizens the narrative of diverse nations bound by a common set of values in a unique project bringing peace and prosperity to all. What is remarkable is how quickly those ideas can unravel.



英 /ʌnˈrævl/  美 /ʌnˈrævl/

vt. 解开;阐明;解决;拆散

vi. 解决;散开

eg.The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age. 


"The basic threshold of what it means to live in a community is that you have some collective responsibility to each other that goes beyond your self-interest—and there I have found it pretty shocking," says Chris Bickerton, an academic at Cambridge University and the author of The European Union: A Citizen's Guide. "It reveals that the political obligations of governments and leaders are really still national, [and] it seems very difficult to think of a common European identity under those circumstances."

剑桥大学的一位学者克里斯·比克顿(Chris Bickerton)(同时还是《欧洲联盟:公民指南》的作者)表示:“生活在一个社区中的基本门槛是,你们彼此之间负有集体责任,这超出了个人利益,这让我感到非常震惊。这表明政府和领导人的政治义务实际上仍然是国家的,而且在这种情况下,很难想到欧洲的共同身份。”


The coronavirus outbreak is the latest in a long line of crises that have thrust the E.U. into existential despair. The euro-zone crisis of 2008 first gave the lie to the dream of a pan-European solidarity, with wealthier nations loath to take any economic hit to come to the aid of struggling ones.





The refugee crisis of 2015 exacerbated this. As 1 million people arrived at E.U. borders seeking sanctuary, governments turned against each other; there was little support for nations like Italy and Greece on the front line of the crisis.



The coronavirus has arrived at a time when the effects of those emergencies still linger and threatens to be the final blow for the grand idea of a politically unified E.U. taking a leading role on the world stage. "This very much fits together with all of the issues around the other crises," says Susi Dennison, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. "Do we want to be a Europe that is globally engaged and gets things done through cooperation, or is the nationalist rhetoric more powerful?"

冠状病毒到来之时,这些紧急情况的影响仍在持续,可能会对政治上统一的欧盟在世界舞台上发挥领导作用的宏伟构想造成最后一击。欧洲外交关系委员会(European Council on Foreign Relations)高级政策研究员苏西•丹尼森(Susi Dennison)表示:“这与其它危机中的所有问题非常吻合。”“我们是希望成为一个全球参与、通过合作解决问题的欧洲,还是希望民族主义言论更有力?”


The warning signs came early.



As Italy became the first E.U. nation to suffer huge increases in cases and deaths, Rome appealed to fellow member states for medical equipment. Not one country volunteered this assistance, each government keen to hoard its supplies for when the virus came for its own citizens. Some countries, including Germany, banned the export of crucial medical supplies, flouting E.U. norms on the free flow of goods.



hoard 英 /hɔːd/  美 /hɔːrd/ 

n. 贮存(品),秘藏(品);古代宝库;情报(库)

v. 贮藏(钱财或贵重物品);(在某物匮乏时)积敛;储存(以备后用)

n. (Hoard) (美)霍尔德(人名)

eg.Indeed, when governments start to hoard food out of panic, the panic itself stokes furtherinflationary fears.确实如此,在政府出于恐慌开始囤积粮食时,民众的恐慌则会进一步加剧对通货膨胀的恐惧”。

Then came a series of unilateral decisions on shutting E.U. borders, apparently with no coordination. France's Emmanuel Macron labeled early closures by Austria and Slovenia "bad decisions," reflecting an ill will going back to 2015, when many European countries shut borders to keep migrants out.

然后是一系列单方面关闭欧盟边境的决定,显然没有经过协调。法国的埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)将奥地利和斯洛文尼亚提前关闭边境的做法称为“糟糕的决定”,这要追溯到欧洲国家自2015年以来的恶意,当时许多欧洲国家关闭边境,将移民拒之门外。

With some borders left open, however, the effectiveness of differing approaches was called into question. For example, Belgium closed all schools, nurseries, cafés and restaurants on March 12, but in the Netherlands, they remained open. So Belgians living in border areas simply popped next door for their beer and frites. When the Dutch finally announced that schools, nurseries, bars and restaurants would close three days later, Health Minister Bruno Bruins blamed the Belgian "café tourism."

然而,随着一些边界的开放,不同方法的有效性受到了质疑。例如,比利时在3月12日关闭了所有的学校、托儿所、咖啡馆和餐馆,但在荷兰,这些地方仍然开放。因此,居住在边境地区的比利时人还是到隔壁去买啤酒和炸薯条。当荷兰人最终宣布学校、托儿所、酒吧和餐馆将在三天后关闭时,卫生部长布鲁诺·布鲁因斯(Bruno Bruins)将其归咎于比利时的“咖啡馆旅游”。

As the E.U. institutions struggle to find their role, it may well create a vacuum for populist and nationalist forces to thrive, as they did after the euro-zone crisis and the refugee crisis. Far-right figures have tried to exploit the coronavirus, with Matteo Salvini of the League in Italy implying migrant boats brought the virus and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaking of a "clear link" with illegal migration, despite no evidence to back up either claim.

在欧盟机构努力寻找自己的角色之际,这很可能会为民粹主义和民族主义力量的壮大创造一个真空,就像在欧元区危机和难民危机之后所做的那样。极右翼人士试图利用这种冠状病毒。意大利联盟(League)的马特奥•萨尔维尼(Matteo Salvini)暗示,是移民船只携带了这种病毒,而匈牙利总理维克托•欧尔班(Viktor Orban)表示,这种病毒与非法移民有“明显的联系”,尽管并没有证据支持这两种说法。

refugee 英 /ˌrefjuˈdʒiː/ 美 /ˌrefjuˈdʒiː/ 

n. 难民,避难者;流亡者,逃亡者

复数 refugees

refugee camp 难民营

political/economic refugees 


eg.This means that the Palestinian refugee problem will be resolved outside the borders ofIsrael. 


But it is not clear if it will work, in the short term. Recent polling from Italy suggests a small drop in support for the League since the start of the coronavirus crisis. People are looking to governments for advice they trust, not opportunistic politicians without access to all the facts, says Dennison. "The power of being an opposition force, which populists are so good at playing on, loses some of its potency."



This could change after the peak of the crisis, as nations start to recover and people reflect on whether their governments fought for them or failed them. "Then there will be so much scope for people's grievances to be played on," Dennison adds.



To seize the upper hand, the E.U. needs to work out how its institutions can add value and show they have a purpose in times of crisis—especially as both health and internal border controls lie outside their mandate. One option might be a pan-E.U. economic package for those struggling to withstand the financial impact. "What will be required is a massive economic stimulus," says Philippe Lamberts, a co-president of the Greens in the European Parliament.



      国际泛欧联盟主张的设想是由理查德·尼古拉斯·冯·康登霍维-凯勒奇伯爵首先提出的,他在《Paneuropa》中提出了一个统一的欧洲国家(European State)的设想。

      该组织的既定目标是建立一个非"虚无主义,无神论和不道德消费(nihilism, atheism and immoral consumerism)"的欧洲基督教联合体。它独立于所有政党存在,但有着自己的原则,借此对政治家、政党和其他机构作出评价。



· 自由主义(liberalism)

· 基督教义(christianity)

· 社会责任(social responsibility)

· 亲欧洲主义(pro-Europeanism)

Once again it will come back to the union's central conundrum: Should the E.U. integrate and intervene more in its members' affairs or leave matters to national governments? The coronavirus may undermine the argument for a more ambitious pan European cohesion, Bickerton says. "For those who want to build on this, it seems to me to be a very difficult crisis to overcome."



None of these fundamental questions are on our minds right now, as we try to navigate daily childcare and trips to depleted supermarkets. One day, the crisis will end, but E.U. soul-searching seems destined to continue for some time.
